1. A Permanent ink/waterproof---I use Black Staz-on.
2. Distilled room temperatured bottle water.
3. A paint brush---i like a soft tip
4.Paper towel to get excess water off brush.
5.Watercolor Paper
6.Watercolor Tombow markers in 3 shades lightest to darker.

How to Apply it:
1. Stamp up the Image.
2. Figure where you want the light to come in from.
3. I chose the back side
4. Start with your lightest color ,
5. Wet paintbrush and remove excess----you want wet not dripping.
6. Go in circles around the markered areas until its all blended in.
7. Then apply second color 1 step-up in color
8. Take your paint brush or Aqua Painter and wet it againg andgo to the colored area and bring out the color again.

9. And with the 3rd or even 4th all darker than the other a little less each time and bring it out
10. I often take my brush after wetting it and take it to the marker taking color off so that I can control how much color I am getting.
1. If you have a paint brush that is too wet then it will leave huge water marks on the image and it will be extremely hard to fix.
2. As well this will wash it out.And Lift your paper.
Have a Great Day!!
2. As well this will wash it out.And Lift your paper.
Have a Great Day!!